The evolution of watching sports at home
Article submitted by Ellis Audio Visual Technology Algarve – October 2020
As with everything, technology brings new innovations in everything we see and do. Enjoying sports at home is no different. The improvement in display (TV/Projector/LED) technology has made leaps and bounds in the last few years, allowing what was only possible as concepts at trade shows, to become reality.
We previously thought that the best thing available was a large TV or projection system, but this has all moved up a notch with the availability of the technology to support it. Not only that, technology has reduced in price, putting it within reach of a wider range of people with spare income.

A good example is golf simulators. Whilst you may think that in a country such as Portugal, there would be no requirement for this technology, considering the number of superb courses in the Algarve, demand is increasing. People enjoy the convenience of being able to just practise when they want to, plus they are able to choose for multiple courses in multiple countries. Most of these also double up as home cinemas, so the room is fitted out with both in mind.
In the higher end of the market, there are many requests for areas where people and their friends can watch important sporting events, effectively creating their own sports bar. The rise of internet “TV Streaming” and better internet speeds has also given much more access to people living in countries, other than their home country, to still have the ability to watch their favourite home sporting events in familiar surroundings. Many of these streamed channels provide high-quality audio channels, which when combined with a good quality audio system allows the viewer to get as near to the atmosphere of being at the event as possible – after all, this is the goal!

Finally, heading for some normality, there can also be examples of usage for the family. In normal usage, the family room can have a large TV for everyone to enjoy. Then for films or sports events, a hidden projector screen and a hidden projector are activated.